Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vacancy: Chairman of the Universe

I took a break today, left the office and went to the bookstore. I walked around the New Age spiritual section, the self-improvement section, pop psychology section, but the place where I got the advice I needed was in the card section.

A retro card with a woman on the phone saying "I have resigned my job as chairman of the universe." And it slapped me in the face. I'm trying to control way too much and I need to stop it. Get over myself. Resign that position.

Maybe now my face will relax.


Thinking About Culture said...

I agree, people tend do find advice in so many things that we do in our life, it is not necessary to go through books,seminars to learn it.

Shannon said...

You crack me up! Always looking for those streams of light, and THAT is why you are wonderful!
Yes, resign, because that which we try to manipulate will bite us in the end...even if we have the best of intentions :O)

Cindy said...

Hi. Hope you are doing okay! I'll have something on my blog for you Tuesday morning!