The first sip of coffee. Nothing beats it. A little Jonathan Bell, the beginning of a new month, new determination, getting back on track. I'm so ready. June was a whirlwind month for me. There's probably a better word, but suffice it to say my energy was like taffy, pulled and stretched, twisted, and in the end I just wanted to throw it away and start over. I love the beginning of a month -- always filled with mini resolutions. I'll practice (my letters) everyday; I won't drink so much wine -- those are my two big ones.
3 comments:'s the wine that HELPS with the letters, donchaknow???? It was good to see you yesterday, back with the gang! Onward, to super creations! Smiles---TJW
Have you seen the You Tube video of Jonathon Bell? He played in a subway station (maybe in D.C. or NY)dressed as a street musician and hardly anyone noticed him. It's a very cool and short video of him playing his multi million dollar violin dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, just being anonymous.
Glad to see you Saturday...and we were glad to have Reggie stay here, too. We really enjoy him!
I looked for the YouTube clip you mentioned and wondered why the only Jonathan Bell videos I could find were "PRAISE JESUS! According to screaming public access evangelist Jonathan Bell, we are all sexually perverted and going to hell." Entertaining as it was, I finally discovered that I'm actually listening to Joshua Bell. I think I prefer Joshua's music to Jonathan's diatribe.
The review of the experiment you mentioned is at
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