Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Exorcism for Tantrums

One thing I miss about living alone (among others, of course) is not having anyone around to read those fascinating tidbits to that I find in the newspaper. So, in light of that absence, you, my faithful few, get to hear about this.

In the Pittsburgh paper on Tuesdays, there's always a column by a John Rosemond, a family psychologist. He writes about problems kids have that parents try to put fancy names or "disease" to but instead should be dealt with as a developmental issue. Today's column is about children stuck in toddlerhood at age 7 (or so) who still have tantrums. I thought the solution to this was ingenious. That's why I had to tell someone about it.

The parents were trying to label their daughter bipolar. He told them she's a toddler in a 7-year old body, still convinced that what she wants, she deserves to have and will throw a tantrum to get it. He called it her delayed ability to take responsibility for her own happiness. The solution was for the parents to tell their daughter that they had seen a television show in which a famous doctor talked about children who still threw tantrums at age 7. The reason, they told her, was that she wasn't getting enough sleep and they were going to put her to bed right after supper but no later than 6:30 p.m. until the tantrums stopped for 3 weeks. If there was even a little tantrum, the three weeks had to start over at the beginning the next day.

It took six weeks for them to "cure" the tantrums. The little girl is very happy now and they will all live happily ever after.

This made me think about adults we encounter now and then who still believe they are entitled to get what they want when they want it. Maybe they just need more sleep.


your tommy said...

I'm listening.....

Diane said...

They really are nice pots, Connie! Good find. I too am a life-long scavenger, and I have the clutter to prove it. These days, I've graduated to furniture...

Sara said...

Now that's a Doctor I totally agree with! I have even experienced adults having tantrums...oops....I guess that was me!

Miss you Connie! I love your writing style about everyday life!

Cindy said...

I'm a firm believer that sleep will solve just about any problem!

Diane said...

Connie, thanks for your comment on my blog! I was hoping I'd hear from you. RE your comment: I have a background in graphic design, wherein you must be able to produce, whatever, whenever, in any style. Surprisingly, no one commented on the green cat(!) You have a great weekend too. Drop me a line when you get back to the 'burgh.)