Here's an easy to do wrap-job which was adapted from my friend Juleah's blog. She used these cuties to make hair decorations; I just glued it to a package instead of a bobby pin. I can see so many ways to use these. (Cindy, I can see you using these for napkin rings for Thanksgiving!)
Here's how simple it is. Felt circles, felt strip. Burn the edges. I did exactly what Juleah did--used a tea candle to burn the edges. It took me a minute to get the hang of it. Some of the felt flamed, some didn't. I couldn't decide if it was my technique or the dyes in the felt. I was able to get a good rhythm after a few circles. Always seeing the bright side, I say the flamed parts actually add some dimension to it. Sew the circles together by adding beads. Voila!
I have a lot of white felt from another project so I'm seeing a winter wonderland scene for something. If you try these, I'd love to know how you used them and how you changed things up. That's part of the fun, ya know?
Im loving the felt circles idea...you could hole punch them, (if that would cut through the felt, otherwise a little snip with scissors should do it), and slide them onto a dowel rod. Using different sized circles you could end up with trees of different heights and sizes!! Maybe they could even decorate a gingerbread scene...or could be layered skirts for some Christmas hula dolls...oh fun fun! Thanks for the inspiration :O)
These are cute! I'll put this in my "projects to try" folder!
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