Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Child's Eye

Yesterday Sam had his first "travel soccer game" -- a big deal for a 9-year old. An easy drive, 35-40 minutes on a gorgeous day. Sarah, Henry, Lucy and I drove over to watch, to cheer and eat Cheez-Its.

Lucy was having a very rough day, had had and we had all experienced several of her meltdowns. During the drive over, I gave her my camera and told her to take pictures of our trip.

So, what does a 4-year old take pictures of? Her shoes, her brother, and the passing sites. All very predictable, considering we're in a car. But, there's one that jumped out at me. It looks like it's been enhanced or manipulated, but it hasn't. I love it.

Here are her other photographs.


Diane said...

These are fun! Love the ones of Lucy's pink shoes. What a great idea to give a camera to a 4-year old, I'll bet she was so proud of her pictures!

Diane said...

thank you for the link on the Easter post, and also for your encouragement on my collage-a-day project!!

Jennifer said...

Geez, that one photo looks like a train de-railing! What is it?