Monday, June 23, 2008

My List

I spent most of Sunday afternoon working at my table cutting out paper birthday candles and getting my head around the vision I'd had for a birthday card for my daughter. It actually came together and is going in the mail today. Yay! a completed project! It's been a long time since I've done anything like that and it felt so good to work with paper and colors and glue. It's almost like exercising. Feels so good, you wonder why you don't do it all the time.

My challenge for the next two weeks is to spend at least 30 minutes a day at my table.

My family used to have a saying "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach" and I think that applies to me and my weekend lists. No way could I check off everything on my list this weekend. My lists tend to be more of a possibility list than an actual "to do" list anyway. Things that seem like they'd be so simple turn into an all day adventure. Like looking for size 2 big girl panties that turns into looking at 2T dresses with a $129 price tag and finding out that panties without Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are rare. It made me think I need to get my sewing machine out -- not for the panties but for the dresses.

Something else to add to my list.

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