I got a phone call this afternoon that a friend had been diagnosed with a brain tumor, had had surgery and was now facing weeks of chemo and radiation. She’s an artist and the tumor was on the right side of her brain. It’s unclear at this point how much of her creativity will be affected. This is not a close friend, but someone that I’ve always felt could be a close friend and someone whose work I’ve admired. The minute I hung up, I could not stop crying. It was as if a wall came down. I don’t know if I cried for her, for lost creativity or for fear of losing my own. Even now, an hour later, as I write this, I’m blinded by tears and am having a really hard time allowing myself to cry without wanting to analyze it. My left brain keeps taking over --
The good news is that her sense of humor is intact evidenced by her husband's report that she can't decide what color to dye her new fuzz that's growing in on her shaved head.
Your friend sounds like my kinda girl. Hope she enjoys a complete recovery.
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